Now, in the Congo where there are crimes against humanity we thank God that we are so privileged to minister grace in the midst of these chaotic situations!
We are currently in a nation-wide health crisis with the spread of an Ebola outbreak which started in North Kivu, last August.
Currently we are living in Lubumbashi where armed robbers attack freely at night and houses are fired upon. When we go to bed, we do not know what will happen or what we will wake up to.
In the Congo, men are killed, women are being raped and children tortured.
The crime against humanity by militia groups has been devastating.
But God is in it.
We continue to share with people about Gods love and see souls saved, knowing that their eternal security is in Heaven.
All of our messages which are grace oriented have been received with great joy.
We meet for street and door to door Evangelism. One of my soul winning mates, Dany, always says “how can I call myself a Christian without seeking and talking to the lost?”. Souls are a priority in Congo and the rest of the world.
Our kids are receiving christian education. They enjoy sitting with the congregation during the worship service and offering time, they then will leave just before the sermon for their teachings under the tree.
Bible College is our training ground. Classes are conducted on Saturdays and Sundays (after the morning service). We train people’s souls, not people’s brains, with the Word of God. We thank God that many so-called believers from different churches with corrupt minds have been healed with the words of grace.It’s when we stay after service for the comments, questions, testimonies etc., we realize how the Word of God gets so deeply in people’s hearts.
We praised God last Sunday as we talked about true godliness. While some people are expecting to learn the religious principles of Godliness, the Bible defines the word “Eusebia” as the way of staying in the presence of God. The fear of the Lord is when I seek God by Faith, getting to know who God Is [Grace] and maintain the relationship between God and my soul through Jesus-Christ.
In 1Timothy 3:16, Godliness is a great mystery. It’s originated from Heaven in order to be revealed by the saints. Peter said: “it’s not our own holiness [godliness] we had made this man to walk”(Acts 3:12). God’s reverence is not a form or an appearance of godliness. (2Timothy 3:1-5). True godliness is remaining in the presence of God.
Living by Faith, contentment, self-control, patience [ endurance], brotherly kindness, love. When these things are in us, the great mystery of living Godly is revealed. Amen!
Please pray for the orphans in our church and the ordination of our pastors in 2020. Also keep in prayer the construction of our chapel on our plot sight and our finances as we are considering to attend the Annual National Conference in Zambia, in the month of October.
This semesters Bible School college is coming to an end, please pray for Octobers intake, that more will come and more will continue.
God Bless,
Pr. Emile, Yvonne, Patient, Chara and Evangela Kisimba.